MomenToUs is a new ministry that partners with the Southern Ohio Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

Click below to learn more about our ministry partners & how to become one!

  • What is a Synod?

    The word ‘Synod’ comes from the combination of two Greek words that translate as ‘journey together.’

    Within our denomination, it also refers to mostly geographically based areas where the congregations and ministries work together. There are 65 Synods within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), spreading across the United States & Caribbean.

    The Southern Ohio Synod is made up of 183 congregations, ministries, and new starts (like MomenToUs!) spread throughout the southern half of the State of Ohio, including a congregation just across the river in Kentucky!

  • What is the ELCA?

    ELCA stands for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and it is the largest and most progressive Lutheran denomination in the United States.

    Sharing the good news that God is present with us and calls us to care for one another and the world God created is central to who we are.

    The ELCA is active in Disaster Response within the United States and globally, striving to eradicate hunger across the world, advocates for systems of equity for all, and ensuring that there is a place for you here, no matter your gender, sexuality, race, income, age, or any other way other places in our lives try to exclude.

  • How can we partner with MomenToUs?

    Our earliest ministry partners are the Southern Ohio Synod and the ELCA and we are so grateful that they have supported us from the very beginning.

    Individuals, congregations, and ministries are able to support MomenToUs in several ways:

    Holding MomenToUs in intentional prayer

    Sharing our social media posts & podcasts with your online networks

    Attending our in-person events

    For those who would like to contribute financially, you may donate by clicking the button at the top right of the website or the Donate link at the bottom of the page. Our Fall/Winter 2022 Partnership Guide is linked below so you can learn more.